Thursday, April 2, 2020

Racism against North-East Indians

Racism against North-East Indians

“What would happen to you. If,' You exhibit racist behavior against North-East Indians'?”

We know the current scenario of the world. Due to the COVID-19 scare, the whole world is locked-down, including India. North-East Indians are facing a lot of racism in other parts of mainland India. They are being called names like “Corona, Momo, China, Ching-chong, virus, chinky”. They forget that, Out of 29 states in India, 8 of them are lies in the North-Eastern region, namely, Sikkim, Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam, and Meghalaya. North-East Indians have mongoloid features because their ancestors are originated there and some of them immigrate from Thailand, Tibet, Mongolia, China, Burma, Nepal, Bhutan, etc. around the 16th to 18th centuries to these parts. These states have more than 210 tribes, a variety of cultures, traditions, religions, and different lifestyles than others. They also look quite different from other Indians and it is the main reason that they face racism in other parts of India.

"What would happen to you. If,'You exhibit racist behavior against North-East Indians'?"

According to The Ministry of Home Affairs, the legal framework for this kind of racism and discrimination, the Indian Penal Code implements sections 153C and 509A. Under which, the discriminator/resistor could face three-five years of jail time and have to cough up a fine.
Any form of racial expression, spoken or written word, gestures, signs, insults or violence against a particular race will be considered as a non-bailable offense penalizable with imprisonment and fine.
People need to realize that all of us are the same, we are all Indians and above all that, we are human beings. And unless you know how to treat another human being with respect, you should not take pride on your degree, your education, your job or anything else.
There are several fundamental rights in our constitution for protecting us and bringing us closer together. Some of them are Right to Equality, Right to Life, and one that I particularly want to elaborate here is Article 21-Right to Life and Personal Liberty, which also ensures the right to live with human dignity, right to livelihood, right to health, right to food, etc.
We are grateful for our leaders doing all they can do to make our lives better and more meaningful.

People fall into traps created by stereotypes in our nation which leads them to exhibit racist and discriminatory behavior. A lot of people face big issues due to a small number of people. Northeast Indians people believe that they get a better education, jobs, opportunities, etc rather than northeast states to explore. Throughout, space for the society is already accommodation by some of the stereotypes people, which tend to unfit for them, us and as well as for the nation. If you don’t believe my words, you should see visit these links and see for
We are all in this fight against the pandemic together. So this is a plea from my end to everyone who is reading this, to take steps against the disease and as well as racist and discriminatory activities. Let's be together.

" We are Indian and We are proud to be Indian".  "JAI HIND"

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